Clan of Champions = is a GAMEZ that yOu cAn PLAY with Or against friends onlinE..,. Each mAtch wiLL laST around tEn minutes. New Game Post Styx: Master of Shadows Of cOurSE, y0u cAn PLAY this GAMEZ by yourself, but y0u cAn ask fOr your friends help with difficUlt miSSions, or fight against thEm as part of your traininG. Their gOal is simple = to become the chAmpion. ALLiances will be mAdE aNd shaTTERed, bonds will be forged aNd brokEn. WhEn your liFe is on the liNE, its evEry warrior fOr themselves in the baTTle hardened online arena known as Clan of ChAmpionS!! BlAst your fOes with shOrt-range maGic spells, or engage in brUtal physical combat!!!!! CombinE your physical skiLLs with PASSive abilities to create the ultimate WARRIOR..,.,
Screenshot :
Recommended System Requirements :
OS: Windows Vista,7,8
Processor: Intel Core i3 @ 3.06 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 @ 3.2 GHz
Memory: 4 GB
Video Memory: 1 GB
Video Card: NVidia GeForce GTS 450 / ATI Radeon HD 6770
Hard Drive: 2 GB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DVD Rom Drive
Full Version Google Drive 720 MB
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